A decree was issued in the lawsuit filed against journalists and ODATV executives Barış Pehlivan, Barış Terkoğlu, reporter Hülya Kılınç, Yeni Yaşam Daily workers Ferhat Çelik and Aydın Keser, Yeni Çağ Daily writer Murat Ağırel, journalist Erk Acarer and Akhisar Municipality worker Eren Ekinci; who reported the news on the death of a Turkish National Intelligence officer in Libya after his funeral in Akhisar, Manisa.
Istanbul 34th Assize Court issued the acquittal of Barış Terkoğlu and Eren Ekinci of all charges; whereas Barış Pehlivan and Hülya Kılınç were sentenced to 3 years and nine months of imprisonment each due to “exposure of intelligence information and documentation”; Ferhat Çelik, Aydın Keser and Murat Ağırel were sentenced to 4 years and eight months of imprisonment each due to the same charge. Barış Pehlivan, Hülya Kılınç and Murat Ağırel were released; and the file of fugitive defendant journalist Erk Acarer was separated.