Arrested OdaTV Editors-In-Chief Barış Pehlivan, OdaTV News Director Barış Terkoğlu, reporter Hülya Kılınç, Yeni Yaşam Daily Editor-In-Chief Ferhat Çelik, Yeni Yaşam Daily Editor-In-Chief Aydın Keser and Yeniçağ writer Murat Ağırel stood trial four months after being arrested due to the news on the funeral of a Turkish National Intelligence Agency (MIT) officer, who died in Libya. In the first hearing at Istanbul 34th Assize Court, Barış Terkoğlu, Ferhat Çelik and Aydın Keser were released with judicial measures. Barış Pehlican, Hülya Kılınç, Murat Ağırel and Eren Ekinci will remain arrested. The court further issued for the warrant against journalist Erk Acarer to remain. The next hearing was scheduled for September 9.