ImpunityMeetingsImpunity – 2016 by mustafa 10/11/2016 10/11/2016 548 views impunity2016 0FacebookTwitterEmail Previous Post Trial of Teacher Ayşe and civil disobedients started. Sonraki Post We were at the press conference for Day of the Imprisoned Writer You May Also Like Impunity in the Metin Lokumcu case 13/09/2024 Concerns of impunity in Şahin Öner case 03/05/2024 Insistence on impunity in attack on journalist 19/04/2024 Impunity in Kulp case 22/03/2024 Reward-like sentence for the police officer who killed... 05/09/2023 Turkey’s State of “Impunity” – 2022 15/11/2022 Police officer detained after causing death of 5-year-old... 29/03/2022 Young people arrested after exposure to torture 29/03/2022 Nol-pros for police violence, lawsuit against victims 28/03/2022 Governorate defends torture based on “one time” 01/03/2022 Impunity in killing of refugee at deportation center 15/02/2022 Appeal court annuls governorate decree not allowing investigation 31/01/2022