Taksim Solidarity called for gathering at the Gezi Park on May 31st for the fifth anniversary of the Gezi Park protests, saying, “Gezi is everywhere we are… The darkness fades, Gezi remains.”
A verdict of non-prosecution was issued in the investigation opened against the 24 April 1915 Armenian Genocide commemoration event, which is organized annually by the Human Rights Association (IHD) since 2005.
- News
Political Science Graduates Union launches report: Pressure and Dismissals Against Ankara University Political Sciences Faculty Members
by Dusun-ThinkUnion of Political Science Graduates announced the report prepared by Dr. Barış Ünlü and Dr. Özlem Albayrak, who were dismissed from profession with emergency decrees.
In the application on the killing of Şiyar Perinçek by the police, the European Court of Human Rights found Turkey guilty of violating the right to life by not conducting an effective investigation; sentencing Turkey to pay 50 thousand Euros of moral compensation.
Ministry of the Interior announced investigations started against 420 people due to their social media posts in the past week (May 21-28).
Republican People’s Party (CHP) Izmir MP Atila Sertel mentioned the camera tender purchase of the Post and Telegraph Corporation (PTT) in the Parliament; which was immediately followed by a court decree banning access on all news related to the tender.
The press statement to be organized at Abbasağa Park in Beşiktaş district of Istanbul within the “Shut it Down” campaign started to protest the one-sided media was banned by the district governorate.
Musician Ezhel has been arrested with the allegation that his songs encourage and ease drug use.
Sendika.org editor Ali Ergin Demirhan was taken into custody due to his social media posts and the news he wrote, entitled, “We can stop dictatorship,” published on January 11.
Van Governorate once again extended the protest and demonstration ban announced every month for the past two years.