The fourth hearing of the lawsuit filed on the death of Medeni Yıldırım, who was killed with a fire opened by soldiers against the crowd marching with their placards saying, “We Want Peace” to protest the police station construction in Hêzan-Kayacık of Lice district in Diyarbakır in the year 2013, was held at Diyarbakır 7th Assize Court. The hearing went on for approximately 10 minutes and Yıldırım family’s lawyer Reyhan Yalçındağ-Baydemir stated that none of their claims were accepted and that even the crime scene discovery report still hasn’t arrived at the court; indicating that these delays are posing the risk of an abatement due to time limitation. The court, as before, decided to wait for the arrival of the discovery report and the Forensic Medicine report. The next hearing was scheduled to February 7, 2019.