11th Istanbul Gathering for Freedom of Expression, organized biennially by the Initiative for Freedom of Expression, will be held on 26-27 May 2018. Since their start in 1997, the Gathering sessions will be held on a completely online environment for the first time this year.
The main broadcast of the sessions, which will be held for two days from 13:00 to 17:00 will be reached through YouTube on “Gathering In Istanbul” and “Düşünce Suçuna Karşı Girişim” channels. The sessions will also be on live broadcast on many channels including Bianet, Medyascope, Artı TV, Evrensel, Diken.
International NGO representatives will share their opinions and experiences on freedom of expression in the world and Turkey within the past two years on the first day of the Gathering. On the second day, representatives from rights organizations from Turkey as well as witnesses will share their local experiences on the matter. A separate session will also be included in the programme to provide the development of oppression against freedom of expression with historical examples from the world. You may subscribe to the YouTube channels above to participate.