The Constitutional Court did not find the time to review and conclude Ayse Celik’s application in time, the suspension period for the execution of penalty ended and Ayse Celik has been imprisoned again.
Ayse Çelik was sentenced for saying “Children are dying, don’t stay silent” on a TV show concerning the event that took place during the curfew. She was sentenced to 15 months of prison, and she was asked “why have you not told that PKK is doing this, while it’s obvious they’re behind the killings.” So the judgement was historical, finding her guilty not for her statements, but for what she had not said.
Over 48.000 people have signed the campaign, calling the Constitutional Court to review Ayse Celik’s case which has not been reviewed over the last 2 years.
We filed a petition to the Consitutional Court, asking them to immediately conclude her application. There is no legitimate reason to keep her application pending. We asked the Constitutional Court to end her unjust suffering, for only asking for “peace!”