The Socail Cliff
The Socail Cliff:
Population (31.12.2017) : 80 million 810 thousand
Population in working age : %67,9
Quote of Employment in General : %48,4
Quote of Women Employment : 10 million 287 thousand
Quote of High Education : %15,27
The Economic Cliff
GDP Gross Domestic Product : 3 trillion 105 billion TL
GDP Per Capita : 38.660 TL
Threshold of Hunger : 1.714 TL
Minimum Wage : 1.603 TL
Salary of and MP : 20.646 TL
Salary of the President : 59.000 TL
The Criminal(!) Cliff
People in prison (02.10.2017) : 228.993 (Male:216.180, Female: 9985, Child:2828 )
Under arrest : 88.745
Sentenced : 140.248
Capacity of prisons : 208.000
Politicians in prison : 1
Journalist in prison (16.08.2018) : 143
Curfews/ Sokağa çıkma yasakları : 332 times in 3 years/ 3 yılda 332 kez