On this month's meeting we continued with the theme "Creative Resistance". Law Students Assembly (Hukuk Öğrencileri Meclisi) joined us. The assembly wants to pursue discussions about the constitution proposel with the public, in a manner that goes against the grain of the political polarization of "Yes-No", searching to inform the people on their meetings at the neighborhoods with vests that read "Ask me about the constitution". We asked our questions about the proposal and how it has been received to the law students, who are taking the knowledge outside the academia. Law Students Assembly take an innovative approach to resistance, both with their organizational and decision-making structure and their ways of breaking through the polarization imposed by the existing climate. You can follow them online and support their work:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hukukogrencilerimeclisi/?fref=ts
Twitter: @hukukogrmeclisi
Watch our March workshop video through this link.