Labour Party (EMEP) member Adnan Karataş, who was on trial due to his social media posts during the Gezi Park protests, was convicted due to “insulting Erdoğan.”
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Educators dismissed with emergency decrees arrested for second time after acquittal
by Dusun-ThinkEducators Nursel Tanrıverdi and Selvi Polat, who protested at Bakırköy Square for their re-employment since February 20, 2017 after their dismissal from public service with emergency decrees, were arrested by Bakırköy 1st Criminal Judicature of Peace due to “organizing illegal meetings and demonstrations.”
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Constitutional Court decides for rights violation for citizen standing trial 13 months after arrest
by Dusun-ThinkThe Constitutional Court (AYM) decided that the rights of freedom and security of the citizen, who acquitted in the first hearing of the lawsuit filed against him after staying under arrest for 13 months, were violated due to the citizen not being prosecuted “within a reasonable time.”
Criminal Judicatures of Peace brought media blackouts against the news on the murder of nine-year-old Sedanur Güzel, whose corpse was found 7 days after she was lost in Kars, as well as on four different cases of sexual abuse in Bingöl, Antalya, İzmir and Kırşehir.
A lawsuit was filed against Turkish and Middle Eastern Forum Foundation Founder and Chairman, author Fikret Başkaya related to his article, entitled, “The Real Terrorism is Government Terrorism.”
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5-year 6-month imprisonment against social media posts of citizen stopped for identity check
by Dusun-ThinkIstanbul 27th Assize Court sentenced citizen Sedat K. to imprisonment due to his social media posts.
Journalist and painter Zehra Doğan was released from Tarsus Women’s Closed Prison after serving her sentence for more than two years due to “making terrorist organization propaganda.”
A summary was prepared against Republican People’s Party (CHP) Istanbul MP Mehmet Bekaroğlu after he reacted against Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu through his social media account.
A hate attack was organized against Balat Surp Hresdagabet Armenian Church, racist and hate-content was written on the door and walls of the church.
35-meter banner prepared by Beşiktaş fans was banned from entering the stadium due to involving “political content.”