The lawsuits filed against retired Prof. Dr. Büşra Ersanlı from Marmara University and research member Sezen Çilengir from Istanbul University concluded with conviction of ‘terrorist organization propaganda’ due to signing the petition, entitled, “We will not partake in this crime.”
Istanbul 32nd Assize Court sentenced the two academics to one year and three months of imprisonment each. Deferring the announcement of the verdict against Çilengir, the court issued the immediate execution of the sentence against Ersanlı due to her “lack of remorse” and “potential to commit future offense.”
254 academics have stood trial so far in the period of trialing that started in December, with 15 cases concluded. 15 scientists were sentenced to one year and three months of imprisonment each; the sentences against Ersanlı and Prof. Dr. Zübeyde Füsun Üstel from Galatasaray University were not deferred.